From preaching, teaching, spoken and written word, to leading and pioneering for social justice, Heulwen has a passion to use her words and deeds to bring people to Jesus: The Word who changes everything.

With over a decade of experience in public speaking, Heulwen is passionate about faithfully preaching the Word of God in every season.

Heulwen is from Wales in the UK and lives in South Wales. She is married to Josh and together they have two sons, and another on the way. Josh is a Doctor and together they have a passion to save lives - by all the means they can.

With a First Class Honours in English Literature and a Masters in Theology underway, Heulwen couples her academia with creativity in her trademark style and is passionate about expounding deep truths in relevant ways.

Heulwen also founded and runs Heirs, a charity with a mission to help see every child in Wales thrive, working especially with Looked After Children.

Heulwen is an evangelist, with a heart to both show and tell the gospel: to introduce people to the Kingdom of God in both word and deed.

Preaching & Teaching

With over a decade of experience preaching in local church, Heulwen is a confident and beloved preacher. With a first class honours in English Literature and a Masters in Theology underway, she combines exposition with creativity, humour with authenticity, helping bring age-old truths to light. She has a passion to reach the lost, knowing exactly what coming home felt like.

Written Word

With a background in literature and creative writing, and a passion for reading and writing, Heulwen is in the process of writing for more than essays. From blogs to books, she is passionate about putting pen to page, knowing the impact stories have had on her. Utilising her trademarks style, with humour and creativity, Heulwen wields words to paint pictures worth conveying.

Spoken Word

What began as a one-off creative experiment quickly became a valued tool in the kit of communication. Poetry has a way of connecting with the heart, and Heulwen's Spoken Words have time and time again resonated with people, helping them connect with timeless truths. With rhythm and rhyme, these words are honed to help hearts connect with something of the divine.


Heirs was founded by Heulwen in 2022 in the aftermath of the Pandemic. After God opened her eyes to the suffering of children, she felt compelled to act. She therefore launched Heirs.Wales, working with Social Services and the Police to help Looked After Children, believing that every life is valuable, made in the image of God: made to be Heirs, not orphans, sons and daughters, not statistics.

Heulwen has primarily preached in Wales, UK, and does so bi-lingually, but also has a heart to reach people more broadly. If you'd like Heulwen to speak near you, feel free to drop us a line!
Feel free to access sermons on Heulwen's Youtube Channel.
'In all the mess of my life, just one word from God changed everything. So I am passionate about bringing the Word to as many people as I possibly can, knowing that just one word from Him can change everything for them too - forever.'
- Heulwen Davies

Just Get in the Room with Jesus

The Word of God is 'living and active', and it comes alive when we climb into its pages. In so many beloved stories, creatively imagining the scene can help us dust off familiarity to see them with fresh eyes. This blog post retells the story of the Paralytic lowered through the roof to Jesus (Matthew 9, Mark 2, Luke 5) and leaves us with a couple of practical applications. So grab a cuppa, maybe a biscuit or two, pop your feet up and enter an old scene in a new way. Because a lot can happen if we just get in the room with Jesus.

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